
Sheikh Md. Mozammel Haque

Assistant Professor
(88)02-7746862, 7747863, 9143757, (PABX: 113)
Faculty and Department Affiliation

Faculty of Arts and Social Science
Department of Law

Degrees and Universities Attended

LL.B.  (Honors)  (Dhaka  University)
LL.M.  (Dhaka  University)
Post  Graduate  Diploma  in  Human  Resource  Management  (Bangladesh  Institute  of  Management)  

Short Introduction

Sheikh Md. Mozammel Haque is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Law in City University. He has been serving at City University for more than eleven years. As part of academic responsibility his teaching areas include Labour and Industrial Law, Environmental Law, Administrative Law, Muslim Law, Jurisprudence, Criminology etc. Mr. Mozammel Haque has fascination to conduct research for upholding the rights and interests of labours. He has already authored three research articles on child labour, domestic workers and Rampal Power Plant. In addition to his academic activities, he worked as a Program Coordinator of the Department of Law at City University. Moreover, he was a member of the Program Self Assessment Committee of the Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), City University. He actively participated in various training, seminars, conferences, workshops and webinars which added value to his experience. Mr. Haque is also enrolled with Bangladesh Bar Council as an Advocate of Dhaka Judge Court in 2013.

Teaching Experience

Sheikh  Md.  Mozammel  Haque  has  a  decade  long  teaching  experience  at  university  level.  He  started  his  career  as  a  Lecturer  at  University  of  Development  Alternative  (UODA)  in  2011.  Later  on  he  joined  City  University  as  a  Lecturer  in  2012.  Then  he  was  promoted  as  Assistant  Professor  in  2019.  He  has  a  proven  track  record  for  increasing  classroom  engagement  through  assignments  and  group  activities.  Mr.  Haque  encourages  students  to  develop  their  knowledge  and  skill  on  the  laws  so  that  they  can  build  a  bright  career  in  legal  arena.

Research Interest

• Labour  and  Industrial  Law
• Environmental  Law
• Administrative  Law
• Criminology


1.  Sheikh  Md.  Mozammel  Haque,  Protection  of  Migrant  Domestic  Workers:  How  far  Ensured,  IOSR  Journal  of  Humanities  And  Social  Science  (IOSR-JHSS)  (e-ISSN:  2279-0837,  p-ISSN:  2279-0845),  Volume  23,  Issue  6  (June,  2018)  PP  12-17.  

2.  Md.  Zakaria  &  S.  M.  Mozammel  Haque,  Much  Disputed  Rampal  Power  Plant:  An  Analysis  from  Legal  Perspective,  Bangladesh  Research  Foundation  Journal,  ISSN  2224-8404  (Print),  2305-1566  (Online)  Volume  7,  Issue  2  (July  2018)  PP  59-64.

3.  Sheikh  Md.  Mozammel  Haque,  Elimination  of  Child  Labour  in  Bangladesh:  Probability  and  Reality,  IOSR  Journal  of  Humanities  And  Social  Science  (IOSR-JHSS)  (e-ISSN:  2279-0837,  p-ISSN:  2279-0845),  Volume  23,  Issue  10  Ver.8.  (October,  2018)  pp  16-21.