List of Publications

List of Publications
1. Zayed Abu, M. (2022, February). An Assessment of the Regulation related to the Export of Manpower from Bangladesh, Association of Overseas Technical Scholarship (AOTS), Tokyo, Japan.

2. Zayed Abu, M. (2017, November). Local Drivers and Dynamics of Youth Radicalization in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies (BIPSS), Dhaka, Bangladesh.

3. Zayed Abu, M. (2015, December). Report Card Survey 2015: Citizens’ Voice for Quality Primary Education, Campaign for Popular Education (CAMPE), Dhaka, Bangladesh.

4. Zayed Abu, M. (2014, June). Landmark Judgements on Violence against Women of Bangladesh, India and Pakistan, Manusher Jonno Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

5. Zayed Abu, M. (2011). De-radicalization and Engagement of Youth in Pakistan, Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI), Islamabad, Pakistan.

6. Zayed Abu, M. (2011, May). Child Protection through ‘Decentralized and Integrated Diversion Models in Bangladesh’: A Review, Save the Children International, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

7. Zayed Abu, M. (2009, July). Indigenous Peoples’ Right to Education in Mother Tongue, (in both Bangla and English) Save the Children UK, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

8. Zayed Abu, M. (2009, January). Legal Empowerment for Women and Disadvantaged Groups, Asian Development Bank and The Asia Foundation, Manila, The Philippines.

9. Zayed Abu, M. (2009, January). Good Practices Guide for Incorporating Legal Empowerment into Operations, Asian Development Bank and The Asia Foundation, Manila, The Philippines.

10. Zayed Abu, M. (2007, August). Water Management Cooperative Association: Members’ Legal Empowerment Training Manual (both in Bangla and English), The Asia Foundation (USA) and Ain-O-Salish Kendra (Bangladesh).

11. Zayed Abu, M. (2005, March). Beyond Hartals: Towards Democratic Dialogue in Bangladesh, UNDP, Bangladesh.

12. Zayed Abu, M. (2002, July). Report on Towards Pro-Women and Child-Friendly Policing, The British Council, Bangladesh.

13. Zayed Abu, M. (2002, February). Rights Reference Handbook on Education, Action Aid Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

14. Zayed Abu, M. (1995, September). Environmental Regulatory Regime: A Selected Bibliography on SAARC Region, Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association (BELA), Dhaka, Bangladesh.

15. Zayed Abu, M. (2018, April). “Tourism Policy and Laws in Bangladesh: Scoping for Foreign Direct Investment”, Paper presented at the People’s Provincial Government of Yunnan and Bangladesh Cooperation Dialogue, Kunming, People’s Republic of China.

16. Zayed Abu, M. (2018, January). “Countering Violent Extremism: The Legal Frontier”, Key note presented at the Workshop on Countering Violent Extremism: Building Resilience and Capacity for the Law Enforcement Agencies in Bangladesh, Government of Canada and the Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

17. Zayed Abu, M. (2017, March). “Prison Radicalization in Bangladesh: From the Frying Pan into the Fire”, Key note presented at the Workshop on Countering Violent Extremism: Building Resilience and Capacity for the Law Enforcement Agencies in Bangladesh, Government of Canada and the Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

18. Zayed Abu, M. (2017, January). “Security Implication of Climate Change: Focus on Bangladesh”, Paper presented at the joint seminar organized by the Konrad Adeneur Stiftung (Germany) and Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies, Dhaka.

19. Zayed Abu, M. (2016, December). “Climate Change Threat Mapping 2016: Bangladesh”, SKOLL Foundation, Palo Alto, California, United States of America.

20. Zayed Abu, M. (2015, September). “Education for All: Good Governance and Decentralisation”, key note paper presented at the Seminar organized by the Campaign for Popular Education, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.

21. Zayed Abu, M. (2015, March). “Violence and Human Rights: An Assessment of the Pre-election Political Violence in Bangladesh”, key note paper presented at the seminar organized by the National Human Rights Commission, Bangladesh, Magura, Bangladesh.

22. Zayed Abu, M. (2014, April). “A Brief Overview of Bangladesh’s History, Culture and Politics”, paper presented at the training programme for Australian Volunteers for International Development, South Asia Programme, Austraining International (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Government of Australia), Dhaka, Bangladesh.

23. Zayed Abu, M. (2014, March). “Arab Spring and the Shahbagh Movement: What it means and can it happen again?”, in Proceedings of the International Seminar on The Arab Spring: Impact and Implications & Religion and Security, Pakistan Institute of Peace Studies.

24. Zayed Abu, M. (2012, July). “Tourism Law for Bangladesh: This place was fine, till you arrived”, published in Green Reflections, Issue X, Journal of the Earth Club, North South University.

25. Zayed Abu, M. (2011, June). “Protecting Wetlands and Open Spaces by Law in Dhaka Metropolitan City”, published in Green Reflections, Issue IX, Journal of the Earth Club, Department of Environmental Science and Management, North South University.

26. Zayed Abu, M. (2011, January). “Radicalization of Youth in Bangladesh: Causes and De-radicalization Approaches”, paper presented at the South Asian Seminar, Oriental Institute, Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany.

27. Zayed Abu, M. (2010, July). “Impact of Public Interest Environmental Litigation: A Question of Standing”, published in Green Reflections, Issue VIII, Journal of the Earth Club, Department of Environmental Science and Management, North South University.

28. Zayed Abu, M. (2010, April). “Democratic Governance, Human Rights and Millennium Development Goals: The State of Play in Bangladesh” Institute of Governance Studies, BRAC University, sponsored by UNDP-Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

29. Zayed Abu, M. (2010, March). “Diaspora and Radicalization: Exploring the Emerging Nexus” for the Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies, commissioned by the Foreign and Commonwealth, Government of the United Kingdom, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

30. Zayed Abu, M. (2009, August). “Police Perception Survey 2009”, Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies (BIPSS), report commissioned by the Embassy of the United States of America, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

31. Zayed Abu, M. (2009, July). “Radicalization of Youth in Bangladesh: A Case Study”, paper presented at the International Seminar on De-radicalization and Engagement of Youth in Pakistan, Islamabad Policy Research Institute and the Hanns Seidel Foundation (Germany), Islamabad, Pakistan.

32. Zayed Abu, M. (2009, January). “Mid-term Review: Child Friendly Juvenile Justice System in Bangladesh Project”, report commissioned by DANIDA, Royal Danish Embassy, Dhaka for UNICEF, Bangladesh.

33. Zayed Abu, M. (2008, November). “Study on Assessing Groups Capacities to Address Effectively the Constraints and Opportunities for Enhancing Food Security”, report commissioned by CARE Bangladesh for the European Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

34. Zayed Abu, M. (2008, January). “Environmental Law for Environmental Management System Audit”, paper presented at the Environmental Management Systems Auditor/Lead Auditor Training Course (A 14478), Bureau Veritas Group, Dhaka.

35. Zayed Abu, M. (2008, January). “Relationship between International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights”, presented at the training workshop on International Humanitarian Law, jointly organised by Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies (BIPSS) and International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Dhaka.

36. Zayed Abu, M. (2007, December). “Bangladesh Second Small Scale Water Resources Development Sector Project: Legal Empowerment Pilot Project Experience”, paper presented at the Regional Conference on Legal Empowerment for Women and Disadvantaged Groups, ADB Headquarters, Manila, Philippines.

37. Zayed Abu, M. “UN Convention on the Law of Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses: The Politics of Ratification”, published at§ionId=16&articleId=121

38. Zayed Abu, M. (2007, April). 4 August, 2007 Strategic Plan of Friends in Village Development Bangladesh (FIVDB) 2008 to 2012 (unpublished draft), sponsored by the Department for International Development, UK.

39. Zayed Abu, M. (2007, February). “Promoting Improved Access to Justice: Draft Report on Community Legal Service Delivery in Bangladesh”, report commissioned by The Asia Foundation (USA) for the Department for International Development, UK.

40. Zayed Abu, M. (2006, August).“Citizen’s Report Card Survey on the Char Livelihoods Programme (CLP)”, report commissioned by the Chars Livelihood Programme (CLP), sponsored by the Local Government Division, Government of Bangladesh and funded by the Department for International Development, UK.

41. Zayed Abu, M. (2006, July). “Consumer Rights and the Role of Civil Society in Bangladesh”, paper presented at the Roundtable on Consumer Rights and Role of Civil Society in Bangladesh, organized jointly by The Consumers Trust (TCT) and Friends in Village Development Bangladesh (FIVDB), Hotel Supreme, Mirabazar, Sylhet, Bangladesh, 11 July, 2006

42. Zayed Abu, M. (2006, April). “Writing Academic Papers”, paper presented at the Seminar on Writing Academic Papers, Department of Law and Human Rights, University of Development Alternative, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

43. Zayed Abu, M. (2004). "Voice, Demand and Accountability: The Experience of Transparency International in Bangladesh", in World Development Report 2004 'Making Services Work for the Poor', The World Bank, 2004

44. Zayed Abu, M. (2001, March). “Puzzling 'Foreign Aid' Fraud and Bangladeshi Elite”, published at:§ionId=14&articleId=355.

45. Zayed Abu, M. (2001, March). "Making waves: The challenge of anti-corruption work in Bangladesh", Paper presented at the seminar organised by Transparency International - Australia, Freehills, Melbourne, Australia.

46. Zayed Abu, M. (2000, November). "The poor man's beautiful daughter: An assessment of the capacity of Bangladesh in regulating natural gas", Paper presented at the School of Anthropology, Geography and Environmental Studies Seminar, The University of Melbourne, Australia.

47. Zayed Abu, M. (2000, July). "People's perception of corruption in Bangladesh", Paper presented at the National Centre for South Asian Studies Postgraduate and Honours Students Residential Workshop, International House, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia.

48. Zayed Abu, M. (1999, February). "Dreams of adolescent girls: A report on a participatory research by adolescent girls on the status of adolescent girls living in urban slums of Dhaka", (unpublished draft), Save the Children UK, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

49. Zayed Abu, M. (1998, March). "Trade related intellectual property rights: whose interest whose benefit", Paper presented at the Development Studies School, Save the Children UK, Office of South and Central Asia Region, Kathmandu, Nepal.

50. Zayed Abu, M. (1998, March). "Claiming (un)equal rights to property in Bangladesh", Paper presented at the Development Studies School, Save the Children UK, Office of the South and Central Asia Region, Kathmandu, Nepal.

51. Zayed Abu, M. (1995, June). "Protection of environment: international safeguards", Paper presented at the Human Rights Training Programme, Madaripur Legal Aid Association, Madaripur, Bangladesh.

52. Zayed Abu, M. (1995, June). "Protecting environment through law", Paper presented at the Human Rights Training Programme, Madaripur Legal Aid Association, Madaripur, Bangladesh.

53. Zayed Abu, M. (1995, March). "Hazardous waste management in Bangladesh", Paper presented at the Training Course on Environmental Law, Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

54. Zayed Abu, M. (1995, March). "Regulating toxic chemicals and hazardous waste in Bangladesh: The irregular paths", in Proceedings of the International Conference on Public Safety and Health hazards from Industrial and Environmental Pollutants, Consumer Education and Research Centre, Ahmedabad, India.

55. Emran M, H (2017, January). Wetland and Climate Change Adaptation: A Legal Analysis (Bangladesh Perspective). (First Author) Bangladesh Research Foundation Journal (ISSN 2224-8404 Print, ISSN 2305-1566 Online, Vol. 06 N0-01, Page No- 155-172, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

56. Emran M, H (2018, January). Consumer Rights Protection Scenario in India-Bangladesh Border (Petrapole-Benapole Area): Issues and Challenges. (Single Author) Bangladesh Research Foundation Journal (BRFJ), ISSN 2224-8404 Print, ISSN 2305-1566 Online, Vol. 07 N0-01, Page No- 139-148, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

57. Emran M, H (2018, August)., Consumer Protection in the Context of Existing Laws in Bangladesh. (Single Author) Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), India, ISSN- 2349-5162, Vol- 05, Issue-08, Page No- 676-681, India.

58. Emran M, H (2018-19). A Comparative Study on the Consumer Protection Legislations of India and Bangladesh. (Single Author) A Research Journal of the Institute of Advanced Studies (IDEAS), ISSN 2413-1814, Vol-04, 2018-19, Page No- 169-188, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

59. Emran M, H (2019, December)., Development of Consumer Protection in the Indian Subcontinent. (Single Author) JUS IMPERATOR, India, (ISSN 2456-9666, Vol-03, Issue-2), Page No- 39-59.

60. Emran M, H (2019-20)., A Focus on the Legal Framework of Consumer Protection: Bangladesh Perspective. (Single Author) A Research Journal of the Institute of Advanced Studies (IDEAS), ISSN 2413-1814, Vol-05, 2019-2020, Page No- 134-151.

61. Emran M, H (2020, Jan-June). ,Consumer Protection of Bangladesh in the Experience of India: A Proposed Legal Framework.(Single Author) The Vivekananda Journal of Research, Vol. 9 Issue 1, ISSN 2319-8702(Print) and ISSN 2456-7574, Page No- 39-59.

62. Zakaria M. (2018). “Dower & Dowry Situation in Bangladesh & the Judiciary’s Role towards the Disposal of Dower Cases: An Exploration” (2018) 23(5) IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science 21-27.

63. Zakaria M., & Mozammel S.M , H. (2018) “Much Disputed Rampal Power Plant: An Analysis from Legal Perspective” 7(2) IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science 59-64.

64. Nurul Islam, A. K. M. & Amin, A. (2012) “Baaini o Nibortonmulok Atoker Bidhan o Islam: Ekti Porjalochona” 8(1) Islamic University Journal of Islamic Education and Research 72-82.

65. Amin, A. (2016) “Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and Islam: A Review” 4(1) Islamic Foundation Bangladesh Research Journal 190-203.

66. Al Amin “Ombudsman in Establishing Good Governance in Bangladesh: An Analysis of the Legal Issues” (2018) 3(1) City University Journal 199-222.

67. Amin, A. & Tamanna, F. (2022) “Critical Study on White Collar Crimes in Bangladesh” 7(1) Ideas Journal of the Institute of Advanced Studies 147-159.

68. Mozammel S.M , H. (2018, June) , Protection of Migrant Domestic Workers: How far Ensured, IOSR Journal of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) (e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845), Volume 23, Issue 6 (June, 2018) PP 12-17.

69. Mozammel S.M , H. (2018, October) , Elimination of Child Labour in Bangladesh: Probability and Reality, IOSR Journal of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) (e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845), Volume 23, Issue 10 Ver.8. pp 16-21.

70. Mamun Al, A. (2015). “An Analysis of the WTO Policies for Least Developed Countries” 1(1) City University Journal 131-144.

71. Mamun Al, A. (2016). “Women’s Rights in Inherited Property and Our Social Psycho: A Study on Muslim Community of Bangladesh 2(1) City University Journal 41-51.