
Al Amin

Assistant Professor & Programme Coordinator
(88)02-7746862, 7747863, 9143757, (PABX: 113)
Faculty and Department Affiliation

Faculty of Arts and Social Science
Department of Law

Degrees and Universities Attended

Ph.D.    (Fellow)    (Islamic    University)
M.Phil.    in    Law    (Awarded)    (Islamic    University)
LL.M.      (Islamic    University)
LL.B.    (Honors)    (Islamic    University)

Short Introduction

Mr. Al Amin is an Assistant Professor and Programme Coordinator at the Department of Law in City University with an experience of teaching for more than seven years. He has been awarded M.Phil. in Criminal Law in 2019. He is a dedicated teacher and fully devoted towards his profession. He teaches Criminal Law, Constitutional Law, Law of Torts, Public International Law, Law of Evidence, Law of Transfer of Property, Muslim Law and Labour Law. During the academic career he has attended a large number of national and international conferences, seminars, workshops and webinars. He authored five books and four research articles in reputed journals. Moreover, he has worked numerous administrative affiliations as Head of the Department of Law, Program Coordinator of the same Department, and Chair of the Programme Self Assessment Committee of the Institutional Quality Assurance Cell and Member of the Academic Council of City University. In addition, Mr. Al Amin is also enrolled with Bangladesh Bar Council as an Advocate of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh. To build up his career through teaching, he is willing to use his skills and knowledge to the best of his ability to teach students and to substantially contribute to the promotion of the existing standard of legal education, research and scholarship in Bangladesh as well as other countries of the globe.

Teaching Experience

Mr.    Al    Amin    started    his    teaching    career    as    a    Lecturer    of    Law    at    City    University    on    28th    June,    2014.    Then    he    was    promoted    as    Assistant    Professor    at    the    same    University    on    17th    September,    2017.

Research Interest

•  Criminal    Law
•  Family    Law
•  International    Law


1.    Professor    Dr.    Abu    Bakar    Md.    Zakaria    and    Al    Amin    Islame    Tort    Ain    (Islamic    Foundation,    Bangladesh,    December,    2022).

2.    Al    Amin    Islami    Ain    Bidda    (Shams    Publications,    Dhaka,    2014).

3.    Al    Amin    International    Organizations    (Dhaka    International    University,    Dhaka,    2015).

4.    Al    Amin    The    Transfer    of    Property    Act:    Theories    and    Practice    (Ain    Prokashon,    Dhaka,    2016).

5.    Al    Amin    Bangladesh    Labour    Law    (Eastern    Law    Publications,    Dhaka,    2019).

Journal    Articles:
1.    Dr.    A.    K.    M.    Nurul    Islam    and    Al    Amin    “Baaini    o    Nibortonmulok    Atoker    Bidhan    o    Islam:    Ekti    Porjalochona”    (2012)    8(1)    Islamic    University    Journal    of    Islamic    Education    and    Research    72-82.    

2.    Al    Amin    “Alternative    Dispute    Resolution    (ADR)    and    Islam:    A    Review”    (2016)    4(1)    Islamic    Foundation    Bangladesh    Research    Journal    190-203.

3.    Al    Amin    “Ombudsman    in    Establishing    Good    Governance    in    Bangladesh:    An    Analysis    of    the    Legal    Issues”    (2018)    3(1)    City    University    Journal    199-222.

4.    Al    Amin    and    Farida    Tamanna    “Critical    Study    on    White    Collar    Crimes    in    Bangladesh”    (2022)    7(1)    Ideas    Journal    of    the    Institute    of    Advanced    Studies    147-159.