
Md. Zakaria

Assistant Professor and Head of Laws (Acting)
(88)02-7746862, 7747863, 9143757, (PABX: 113)
Faculty and Department Affiliation

Faculty of Arts and Social Science
Department of Law

Degrees and Universities Attended

LL.B.    (Honors)    (Dhaka    University)
LL.M.    (Dhaka    University)

Short Introduction

Mr. Md. Zakaria is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Law in City University. He has been teaching at the University for a decade long. He has expertise on Muslim Law, Islamic Law of Succession and Law of Crimes. Besides, discharging academic functions he is performing as Head of Laws (Acting). Earlier he also served the Department as a program coordinator. Beyond that he participated in a number of academic trainings, workshops and seminars. He also contributed to the development of OBE Curriculum for the Department. In addition, Mr. Zakaria has been enrolled with Bangladesh Bar Council as an Advocate of Dhaka Judge Court since 16th April 2013.

Teaching Experience

Mr.    Zakaria    started    his    academic    career    as    a    Lecturer    of    Law    at    City    University    on    18th    October    2011.    Then    he    was    promoted    as    Assistant    Professor    at    the    same    University    on    1st    April,    2019.

Research Interest

•  Family    Law
•  Environmental    Law
•  Criminal    Law


1.    Md.    Zakaria    “Dower    &    Dowry    Situation    in    Bangladesh    &    the    Judiciary’s    Role    towards    the    Disposal    of    Dower    Cases:    An    Exploration”    (2018)    23(5)    IOSR    Journal    of    Humanities    and    Social    Science    21-27.

2.    Md.    Zakaria    and    S    M    Mozammel    Haque    “Much    Disputed    Rampal    Power    Plant:    An    Analysis    from    Legal    Perspective”    (2018)    7(2)    IOSR    Journal    of    Humanities    and    Social    Science    59-64.